What is cooking
Cooking is a human activity aimed at preparing food. Culinary science is a set of methods and various techniques aimed at preparing a variety of food, both animal and vegetable, which is necessary for humans to maintain their vitality and health. This or similar definitions are given by encyclopedic dictionaries.
Simply put, cooking is simply the preparation of food. Different countries around the world have different methods of cooking and use different ingredients that give the food the colorfulness of their traditions. Different countries use different seasonings that another country may not know about. A certain technique must be followed in cooking.

Basic Culinary Principles
Various foods must undergo a certain culinary treatment before they reach the table. The cooking of various foods requires certain temperatures and cooking times, most often for meat, fish, and various baked goods. Food should not be poorly cooked or, conversely, overcooked or overcooked. It should not contain products of poor processing (bones, skin).
The food should be tasty, the products should be chosen so that they contain sufficient proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals needed by the body. It should not only be deliciously cooked, but it should give off flavor, for which there are now many different spices, it should also be beautifully served. Beautifully served food already builds appetite, which starts to produce gastric juice. When a child is not eating well, it is desirable to decorate the food for him something nice and bright, and he would be happy to eat it, he would be interested.
The food should be not only tasty, but healthy, it should be beneficial to the body. Be sure to include in your diet fruits and vegetables, both fresh and cooked, they can be stewed and baked, fried. It is desirable to serve one type of product in combination with other products, fish, meat, serve with vegetables or different sauces, side dishes, desserts – with different gravy. The first courses should be flavored with various greens. The more varied will be the serving of the dish, the more benefits and enjoyment the body will receive.